DTU Wind Energy CodeCamp

Spend less time coding…and more time learning!

Welcome to CodeCamp, a week-long, fun workshop dedicated to making you a better programmer!

<CodeCamp August 16-19 2022!!! Check announcements on Inside to register.>

As engineers, we often spend much of our time in education learning about math, science and physics. Times, however, are changing, and more and more of the tasks we need to complete utilize programming skills to simulate, post-process, and visualize data.

This workshop is aimed towards new master’s students who intend to take a majority of their courses from the Wind Energy department. (Returning students are also welcome, pending space constraints.) Some coding experience is expected, but you by no means need to be an expert! If you still have questions, please read more in the What is CodeCamp? and Frequently Asked Questions sections.

If you missed CodeCamp. You can still complete the exercises! The “Turbie” section has everything you will need to brush up your skills. Happy coding. :)
